Mayan Spiritual Bath

Mayan Spiritual Baths (also called floral baths) – Shola has created many sacred bath rituals for travelers to the Big Island. She has studied with Rosita Arvigo, a Mayan healer known around the world. The experience is in a natural setting. Spiritual Bathing is a centuries old art of moving the elements of your body to reconnect you with the energy between Heaven and Mother Earth. It is a way to rid the body of a spiritual disease, unblock stagnant energy, increase awareness or clarity and remove obstacles that block the paths in one’s life. Spiritual Bathing re~balances your electro~magnetic  energy field and restores your soul force. It can wash away negativity, anger, fear, anxiety, traumas and stress. This bath is lovingly prepared for you by combining water, plants, prayer and incense so the Maya healer is able to work with the body’s “ch’ulel” or life force energy. You will experience a new revitalized and cleansed energy.” This experience is available for: couple~women group~men group~kids, families.

What Seekers Have To Say:
My herbal bath with Shola was beautiful beyond description…yet I will try to put it into words. I felt very very nurtured, infused with beneficence as she evoked the healing blessings of the plants of Mother Earth. I felt spiritually inspired to renew and refresh my sense of simply being… in truth, trust, awareness in each moment. I felt enveloped in the love that moved through Shola’s big heart from all of creation. The herb and flowered healing waters washed over me powerfully and gently calling me inward to a place of peaceful origins.
E ho mai  (let it come, let it flow)

~  Chris ~ Big Island